Windows Xp, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1, 10 (32 and 64 bit), compatible.
Quick settings like Language, chart etc on home screen. Home screen now also has Lagna and Navamsa chart for quick study and all other subjecs are quickly accessible from the same single screen.
- Better Home screen Interface for quick access, with Birthdata on left panel, provides more visibility and ease of use.
This new release comes with a new and better interface, more accuracy, more reports & options to quickly analyze the charts and generate reports.
Export reports to PDF/JPEG/BMP and email them to clients.
Easy Printing of reports in A4, Book Size, Double Side Printing.
Page Designer & Model Printing Facility.
Specially designed Colour / Black & White Printout.
Utilities -Sunrise/ Sunset, Rahukaal, Panchang, Hora, Chaughadiya, ephemeries, detailed position of particular planet.etc Using utilities, you can also generate professional book style panchang, rahukaal, sunrise/sunset and ephemeries reports too.
Yantra - for all planets with printing facility.
Ratna (Gem Stone) Suggestions & Mantra Remedies with details.
Varsphal for 120 Years with predictions (Annual Chart Predictions).
Bio Rhythmic Charts, including I-Ching Rhythms.
Dasha Predictions 120 years with UPAAYS / REMEDIES for each good/bad period of life.